
Rainwater pumping after a storm!

The current weather is completely unpredictable, the good times are in vain, unfortunately, it may rain for days. Precipitation collects very easily in the canals, in basements and can cause great damage.

Here are some reasons, why is it important to pump rainwater after a storm a blockages To avoid:

  1. Channel system protection: When there is a lot of rain, drains and the sewer system usually receive a greater load. If the rainwater is not properly drained, water can quickly build up and cause blockages in storm drains and drains. Pumping rainwater after a storm makes it possible, to transport the collected water efficiently and quickly from the sewer system, reducing the risk of blockages.
  2. Soil guidance: If the rainwater after a storm is not pumped off properly, can easily happen, that excessive amounts of water seep into the soil, and it can cause problems there too. Excessively waterlogged soil can flood low-lying areas, and can disturb the root system of plants. This can lead to blockages in the groundwater drainage system, and can cause problems in the foundations of buildings.
  3. Drains and sewage system protection: Rainwater contains many pollutants, for example a letter, branches, dirt and other waste. If the rainwater is not pumped properly, these pollutants can easily enter the sewer system and sewage system. This can lead to blockages and blockages in sewer pipes and in sewers. Pumping out rainwater after a storm helps avoid these problems, as the pumping system can clean and transport the water, without pollutants entering the system.

    Pumping rainwater after a storm therefore plays an important role in avoiding blockages, as it helps to drain water efficiently, prevents the accumulation of water and the overloading of the sewer system. This reduces congestion, the risk of blockages and floods.

    It is important to note, that pumping rainwater requires a properly functioning pumping system. The pumping system must be strong and efficient enough for this, to transport the accumulated rainwater efficiently and quickly. It is also important to ensure regular maintenance of the system, to prevent clogging or failure of the pumps.

    Pumping rainwater therefore not only serves to recycle water and protect the environment, but also helps prevent blockages. With the help of a properly designed and functional pumping system, the problems of rainwater after a storm can be effectively dealt with, minimizing congestion and flood risks, and contributing to sustainable water management.

Our team is now prepared to completely pump out the precipitation remaining after the storm, if you also need an expert team, do not hesitate, look for us our contact details on one of them!

Drain problems: Frequently Asked Questions

How to clean a greasy drain?2023-05-24T09:27:47+02:00

Cleaning greased drains often involves the use of degreasing agents, to remove grease and oil from the drain wall. Using hot water can also help dissolve the grease and make it easier to drain.

How to clean a clogged drain at home?2023-05-24T09:27:00+02:00

Cleaning clogged drains at home often involves household products, for example, using baking soda and vinegar, to unclog. Also, different drain cleaning tools, such as the drain cleaning spiral, can also be useful.

How to clean a kitchen drain?2023-05-24T09:25:53+02:00

Cleaning the kitchen drain is important for grease, to remove oil and food residues, which can cause clogging. Regular cleaning helps prevent drain clogging and unpleasant odors. A combination of baking powder and hot water can be effective in dissolving grease and oil.

Why does water come back from the drain?2023-05-24T09:25:15+02:00

If the water comes back through the drain, it indicates that, that there is a blockage somewhere in the pipe system. This problem often occurs in the sink or bathroom, where water cannot flow freely through the pipes. Baking soda is a great natural cleaner, which helps dissolve grease and oil down the drain. Simply sprinkle a cup of baking soda down the drain, then pour a cup of hot water over it, and leave it on for a few minutes, before rinsing.

Why does water come up in the floor drain?2023-05-24T09:24:34+02:00

This problem usually occurs when, when the floor drain gets clogged, and the water cannot drain. This is often dirt that accumulates in the floor drain, such as hair, it occurs due to soap and other substances. The drain cleaning tools, such as the drain cleaning spiral, can be helpful in this process.

Why does water come back from the drain?2023-05-24T09:23:50+02:00

If the water comes back through the drain, it indicates, that there is a blockage somewhere in the pipe system. This problem often occurs in the sink or bathroom, where water cannot flow freely through the pipes. Liquid drain cleaners are commercial products, which are specially designed for cleaning drains. These products often contain harsh chemicals, which dissolve fat, oil and food residue down the drain.

Why is the water draining slowly from the shower tray??2023-05-24T09:23:13+02:00

This problem is often the hair, it forms due to the accumulation of soap and other substances in the shower drain. These substances slow down the flow of water, and can eventually cause clogging. Salt can help unclog the blockage. Sprinkle a cup of salt down the drain, then pour a cup of hot water over it, and leave it on for a few minutes, before rinsing.

Why is the water not draining in the sink??2023-05-24T09:16:04+02:00

This problem usually occurs when, when food remains, grease or oil accumulates in the drain, which blocks the path of water. This can cause clogging over time, which prevents water from draining. We can use baking powder to solve this problem. Simply sprinkle a cup of baking powder down the drain, then pour a cup of hot water over it, and leave it on for a few minutes, before rinsing.

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