Barely 25 Taksony is located km from our capital. A large village with a population of six thousand, which can be known for its many natural phenomena and calm environment. The proximity of the Ráckevei branch of the Danube is an ideal environment for fishermen, boaters, as well as for those wishing to spend their holidays here. Of course, the proximity of water is not only a blessing, but it can also be a curse, as floods often occur- and problems caused by internal water. Szakértő csatornatisztítási szolgáltatásunknak köszönhetően azonban minden kárt a lehető leghatékonyabb módon tudunk helyreállítani.
From a princely accommodation to a modern large village
Already at the beginning of the Middle Ages, Taksony had temporary residents. Presumably, the settlement also got its name from the Hungarian leader who lived in the tenth century, because the occupying Hungarians used the area as their summer accommodation. True, that the first documented mention of Taksony comes only from the times after the Tatar invasion. That's when it happened, how are you. King István took the area from its previous owners, whom he accused of infidelity, and donated them to the nuns on Nyulak Island - later Margit Island.
The settlement of Taksony up to the 16. it was under church authority until the middle of the century, when the nuns had to flee due to the Turkish conquests. Although the Turks completely conquered the settlement, it is not because of the conquerors, rather, it became completely uninhabited during the fifteen-year war at the end of the century.
The rebirth of the settlement a 17. was waiting for him until the end of the century. From then on, a greater proportion of Swabians were moved in. Although the number of Swabians living here dwindled during the two world wars, the culture of this ethnic group still determines the life of the large village. Nowadays, Taksony is a dynamically developing settlement, which is popular for boating- és üdülőhelyként télen és nyáron egyaránt várja látogatóit.
A developing network of canals along the Little Danube
Taksony is located east of the Ráckevei Danube branch. The settlement's sewer system has improved a lot in the past year. Taksony, with the support of the European Union and the Hungarian State, has a total of more than 7 participated in a project with a total budget of billion. The purpose of the project, to develop the sewer network of the settlements along the Danube, with particular regard to coastal areas.
Flooding- and from the point of view of inland water protection, Lake Marestli, located in the center of the settlement, is considered a pivotal point. In recent years, the internal- and the development of the rainwater drainage network. In parallel, a pumping station regulating the water level of Lake Marestli at the appropriate height was also built. It often caused problems after heavy rains, that the lake overflowed, thus causing damage to residential buildings in the area. After the investment, the flood- and problems caused by internal water are greatly reduced, további előnyként pedig a köztéri felújítás is megtörténik.
Professional sewer cleaning service in Taksony!
Our business, In the large municipality of Taksony, it offers all its customers an efficient and long-term sewer cleaning service with satisfying results.. Those who choose us, they choose decades of experience and quality work. We are proud of it, that 100% of our customers reported: he is satisfied with the work we have done and is happy to recommend our services to his friends.
The location of our company is 11. located in the district, where approx. 50-90 in minutes - from time of day, depending on the traffic and the workload of our employees - we can get to the location. If you had any such problems, so the number 06/20-318-1614, day and night - even on weekends! - you can reach us on our available phone number.
please, to give our colleague as detailed a description as possible during the notification, about the nature of the problem, as well as its presumed place of origin.
Our company is located next to Taksony in all districts of the main municipality, as well as in the agglomeration counties (Pest, Head, Komárom-Esztergom and Nógrád) also performs channel tisztítási szolgáltatását.