It causes great annoyance, when we need a mechanic, and it's not in our phone book, or not even a contact on the message board. People are usually not that careful, that from their acquaintances in time, just to be on the safe side, get the numbers of trusted handymen, so when to an electrician, for a gas fitter, or an unclogging master would be needed, only then they rush, to quickly find a reliable mechanic. Then many times, due to haste, they are not exactly good masters. When it comes to anti-clogging, and if you have XIII. you need it in the district, then there should be no question, that U.S hív-e.
Our service, which is also available in Angyalföld, aims to meet the needs of our customers in all respects. This is not just an established, we can reach a permanent clientele, but also thanks to our reliable and fast work, to recommend us to friends.

However, we recommend one important thing, which can make your work and ours easier. When you call, then be prepared for certain questions, since it is important for us to be aware of a few things about congestion, so we can prepare, we know, about what tools we should bring, so it definitely can't happen, that we have to return after an on-site survey, because it's time- and energy waste. We usually ask such questions, where is the blockage, since when, maybe you know, what could have caused it, do you know, when are the pipes etc. These are general situational assessment questions, which, however, help us a lot. Not a problem, of course, if you can't answer it, because then we prepare for every possible situation, but it's much easier, if you at least think about the basic questions and the questions don't come up unexpectedly.