A perfect sewer camera is an essential accessory when inspecting a sewer with a camera, with the help of which you can see a beautiful and high-quality image on the color monitor, since this is the only way to evaluate what was seen during the examination!
When inspecting the sewer with a camera, we can get an accurate picture of the defect in the pipe or any foreign objects that may be hidden.. On the occasion of recurring blockages, in any case, this service should be considered, thus, the legitimacy of any complaint can be established.
Over many years, we have developed and produced them in several sizes, replaceable additional probe heads, thanks to which we can test wires with a diameter of up to 20 mm. Sink, sink, we can also perform a floor drain camera inspection, and in each case a different device is needed. A WC or the examination of the external spinal cord, we must also examine the drain with a larger device.
During sewer inspection with a camera, the inspected pipes can be drinking water, sewage or any pipe section or pipeline to be tested.
They can be based on their material, metals or plastic, concrete, eternity, granite...etc, there is no such wire for us, which we cannot investigate.
Larger industrial sections are examined with a self-propelled camera, it can even check the slope angle of the cable underground. A report and a slope diagram are also prepared on the site of the camera channel inspection.
If you have any questions, or would like to use my services, feel free to call us at +3670/744-4444, even at night, every day of the year, or contact us at [email protected]!