
The dangers of a clogged drain

You can't imagine it, what dangers a clogged sewage pipe carries. At this moment, I am not thinking about sewage flooding, when the apartment is flooded with dirt. There is a much more insidious source of danger than this, namely land erosion and collapse!

During one of our clogging removal works, the customer called for a simple small floor confluence or water sink blockage. So far, there is nothing wrong and there have been no signs of anything.

A anti-clogging our client informed us about it before starting, that he noticed, that the wall is wet and the gutter in the yard does not absorb the rainwater, than ever before. We were up to the task and cleared the blockage in half an hour. We noticed that, that the concrete bottom of the sinkhole is already in a very dilapidated condition, which we also indicated to the owner. He acknowledged it and said that even the sun would fix the mistake.

We issued the invoice, then the customer went for the amount. In the meantime, one of my colleagues and I were talking and looking at the cobblestones in the yard and we were nostalgic about it, that not so long ago, how many streets were paved with such stones and how slippery they were in the heavy rain. As we were talking, I suddenly noticed that, that my colleague is standing still. At first I thought, that he got sick. But luckily not!

The following sight greeted me, as I got after it and we both fell:

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Next to the sinkhole, the soil washed away over time and there was a real hole under the ground. Luckily, that a major accident did not occur because it was located under a driveway. I must admit that we were very scared and the owner understood immediately, why the wall of the house is wet.

Perhaps the problem could have been prevented by maintaining the sewage pipeline, if we notice the error in time!

Drain problems: Frequently Asked Questions

How to clean a greasy drain?2023-05-24T09:27:47+02:00

Cleaning greased drains often involves the use of degreasing agents, to remove grease and oil from the drain wall. Using hot water can also help dissolve the grease and make it easier to drain.

How to clean a clogged drain at home?2023-05-24T09:27:00+02:00

Cleaning clogged drains at home often involves household products, for example, using baking soda and vinegar, to unclog. Also, different drain cleaning tools, such as the drain cleaning spiral, can also be useful.

How to clean a kitchen drain?2023-05-24T09:25:53+02:00

Cleaning the kitchen drain is important for grease, to remove oil and food residues, which can cause clogging. Regular cleaning helps prevent drain clogging and unpleasant odors. A combination of baking powder and hot water can be effective in dissolving grease and oil.

Why does water come back from the drain?2023-05-24T09:25:15+02:00

If the water comes back through the drain, it indicates that, that there is a blockage somewhere in the pipe system. This problem often occurs in the sink or bathroom, where water cannot flow freely through the pipes. Baking soda is a great natural cleaner, which helps dissolve grease and oil down the drain. Simply sprinkle a cup of baking soda down the drain, then pour a cup of hot water over it, and leave it on for a few minutes, before rinsing.

Why does water come up in the floor drain?2023-05-24T09:24:34+02:00

This problem usually occurs when, when the floor drain gets clogged, and the water cannot drain. This is often dirt that accumulates in the floor drain, such as hair, it occurs due to soap and other substances. The drain cleaning tools, such as the drain cleaning spiral, can be helpful in this process.

Why does water come back from the drain?2023-05-24T09:23:50+02:00

If the water comes back through the drain, it indicates, that there is a blockage somewhere in the pipe system. This problem often occurs in the sink or bathroom, where water cannot flow freely through the pipes. Liquid drain cleaners are commercial products, which are specially designed for cleaning drains. These products often contain harsh chemicals, which dissolve fat, oil and food residue down the drain.

Why is the water draining slowly from the shower tray??2023-05-24T09:23:13+02:00

This problem is often the hair, it forms due to the accumulation of soap and other substances in the shower drain. These substances slow down the flow of water, and can eventually cause clogging. Salt can help unclog the blockage. Sprinkle a cup of salt down the drain, then pour a cup of hot water over it, and leave it on for a few minutes, before rinsing.

Why is the water not draining in the sink??2023-05-24T09:16:04+02:00

This problem usually occurs when, when food remains, grease or oil accumulates in the drain, which blocks the path of water. This can cause clogging over time, which prevents water from draining. We can use baking powder to solve this problem. Simply sprinkle a cup of baking powder down the drain, then pour a cup of hot water over it, and leave it on for a few minutes, before rinsing.

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