
Unblocking - Why grease traps are important?

When we are called to a blockage in a household, then one of the most common problems is usually the clogging of the sink. No wonder, since the sink handles a lot of "traffic" in our home. Sure, it happens many times, that some of the leftover food ends up in the sink, which is a direct consequence in the long run: clogging of the structure! In the case of our household, this is the only way we can help, if we take care of it, to rinse the dishes beforehand. A poharak és a tányérok így a nagyobb részecskéktől mentesen kerülhetnek a mosogatóba.

We protect our environment with the help of a grease trap!

However, in the case of large-scale kitchens, due to the volume of traffic, we have to choose another solution. Namely, the grease trap equipment, or - as it is also called differently - the grease trap.

Usually, there is not that much space in the apartments, which would allow the installation of a grease trap. However, in the case of industrial kitchens, it is advisable to use the structure, which is the primary reason: protecting our environment

Let's think about it: if an average-sized family only washes dishes annually 150-250 liter of waste water "produces", then what kind of environmental impact can all this mean in a kitchen with multiple traffic! It's no accident, that the use of grease capture equipment is also made mandatory by the relevant legislation in that restaurant, and in the kitchens of other catering premises, where high oil- és zsírtartalmú szennyvizek keletkeznek.

Let's prevent congestion!

The operating principle of the grease trap is simple: the container separates liquid and solid impurities based on the specific gravity of the materials. Because the solid food residue goes into a separate container, so you don't have to, hogy a nagyobb részecskék keresztülhaladjanak a csatornarendszeren.

Dugulás megszüntetés – Miért fontosak a zsírfogók?

Let's keep the sewer system clean!

It is a simple structure, the use of which has several advantages. On the one hand, in industrial kitchens we can save ourselves from clogging caused by food residues, and from the associated unpleasant smell. On the other hand, since solid materials do not burden the sewer network, thus, we can prevent the pipeline from becoming greasy in the long term, and siltation, and the channel premature corrosion of its wall. Of course, the already mentioned aspect cannot be neglected either, miszerint a zsírok és az olajok megszűrésével környezetünket sem terheljük.

We can choose from a variety of solutions!

The equipment itself can be made of several materials. The most common is a grease trap made of stainless steel, but they are popular from PVC and polypropylene (PP) also made structures. Very important, to install the tank specialist do it, since it is a foundation for the reliable operation of the structure, and concreting is required. Roughly - depending on the type of equipment and the cost of labor 50-150 we can count between a thousand forints.

The grease separation equipment can be built both above and below ground, although the most common solution is a sink alá beépített szerkezet.

Pay attention to regular maintenance!

For that, so that the grease trap can fully perform its task, regular cleaning of the equipment is extremely important. Ideally, and from the turnover of the kitchen per month, but we clean the grease traps at least every quarter. The process itself is similar to sniffing the digestive pit, a zsírelválasztó berendezést itt is erre a célra kifejlesztett szívó és mosó tartályos gépkocsival szokták elvégezni.

Call a specialist to clean the grease trap as well!

Let's take care of it, that we must comply with strict regulations when cleaning the grease traps. Pursuant to the relevant occupational health and safety regulations, we must ensure the extraction of the fat-sludge waste mixture, about its removal, and its disposal. It is therefore advisable to entrust related tasks to professionals, because in this way we can avoid serious punishment.

The currently effective 220/2004. (VII. 21.) pursuant to government decree, which provides for the rules for the protection of surface water quality, they can even hit our business with a sewer fine of hundreds of thousands of forints, hogyha nem szabályszerűen végezzük el a zsírelválasztó berendezés tisztítását.

Drain problems: Frequently Asked Questions

How to clean a greasy drain?2023-05-24T09:27:47+02:00

Cleaning greased drains often involves the use of degreasing agents, to remove grease and oil from the drain wall. Using hot water can also help dissolve the grease and make it easier to drain.

How to clean a clogged drain at home?2023-05-24T09:27:00+02:00

Cleaning clogged drains at home often involves household products, for example, using baking soda and vinegar, to unclog. Also, different drain cleaning tools, such as the drain cleaning spiral, can also be useful.

How to clean a kitchen drain?2023-05-24T09:25:53+02:00

Cleaning the kitchen drain is important for grease, to remove oil and food residues, which can cause clogging. Regular cleaning helps prevent drain clogging and unpleasant odors. A combination of baking powder and hot water can be effective in dissolving grease and oil.

Why does water come back from the drain?2023-05-24T09:25:15+02:00

If the water comes back through the drain, it indicates that, that there is a blockage somewhere in the pipe system. This problem often occurs in the sink or bathroom, where water cannot flow freely through the pipes. Baking soda is a great natural cleaner, which helps dissolve grease and oil down the drain. Simply sprinkle a cup of baking soda down the drain, then pour a cup of hot water over it, and leave it on for a few minutes, before rinsing.

Why does water come up in the floor drain?2023-05-24T09:24:34+02:00

This problem usually occurs when, when the floor drain gets clogged, and the water cannot drain. This is often dirt that accumulates in the floor drain, such as hair, it occurs due to soap and other substances. The drain cleaning tools, such as the drain cleaning spiral, can be helpful in this process.

Why does water come back from the drain?2023-05-24T09:23:50+02:00

If the water comes back through the drain, it indicates, that there is a blockage somewhere in the pipe system. This problem often occurs in the sink or bathroom, where water cannot flow freely through the pipes. Liquid drain cleaners are commercial products, which are specially designed for cleaning drains. These products often contain harsh chemicals, which dissolve fat, oil and food residue down the drain.

Why is the water draining slowly from the shower tray??2023-05-24T09:23:13+02:00

This problem is often the hair, it forms due to the accumulation of soap and other substances in the shower drain. These substances slow down the flow of water, and can eventually cause clogging. Salt can help unclog the blockage. Sprinkle a cup of salt down the drain, then pour a cup of hot water over it, and leave it on for a few minutes, before rinsing.

Why is the water not draining in the sink??2023-05-24T09:16:04+02:00

This problem usually occurs when, when food remains, grease or oil accumulates in the drain, which blocks the path of water. This can cause clogging over time, which prevents water from draining. We can use baking powder to solve this problem. Simply sprinkle a cup of baking powder down the drain, then pour a cup of hot water over it, and leave it on for a few minutes, before rinsing.

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