Why does a sink get clogged??
There can be several reasons for a sink blockage! The main reason is washing with cold water and using too much detergent. Unfortunately, that's not all, which can cause clogging. In many cases, due to the layout of the apartment, the drain pipe of the sink is too long, in many cases even 10-15 the cable is more than a meter long, but I've met you before 35 also with a meter long section. In a long cable, there is a lot of time for dirt and grease, as well as the washing-up liquid and scrubbing agent to settle on the side of the cable. After that, you can quickly go to the blockage Formation.
Not to mention, if a dishwasher is still connected to the sink's waste water pipe. The dishwasher is well known, that it saves energy and washes with little water. A lot of greasy dirt is rinsed off with a little water, and thick dirt can cause blockages in as little as one or two months.
The connection to the sink should be as short as possible, it must be connected to the main line in the shortest possible way. It should not be believed, to push the dirt with high pressure and even peel off the wire, unfortunately it doesn't work that way!
It's important to know, so that the sink's waste water pipe is always precisely dimensioned, led with a sufficient slope. The cross-section should not be too narrow, but not too large, not scaled either! Both cases carry the risk of blockage. The thin wire gets clogged quickly. In the oversized sink line, as there is not a high enough water column, wastewater cools easily. The cold water helps to loosen the dirt coming from the sink on the wall of the pipeline. Dirt accumulates continuously and this solution also leads to clogging after a while.
Another drawback of the oversized wire, that it cannot be properly cleaned from the direction of the sink, or just very difficult to clean.
Think it through! Ideally, the sink outlet is a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm, (this size is just right) through this opening, we have no chance of letting an effective cleaning head into the oversized, in some cases for cleaning a pipe with a diameter of 110 mm!
You can find a lot of useful help and information about the sink on my website anti-clogging at home.
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