About the correct use of the sewage system, in order to avoid clogging and subsequent unclogging
Nowadays, due to stricter environmental protection requirements and more serious blockages
Technical assistance
Air intake valve Air intake valve in all buildings higher than ground floor where a
Servicing of unclogging and sewer cleaning machines
A duguláselhárító és csatornatisztító gépek elengedhetetlen eszközök a csővezetékek tisztán
Anti-clogging tools, drill heads and cutting edges!
For that, so that we can eliminate all blockages professionally
Camera channel inspection, with a color channel inspection camera
A perfect sewer camera is an essential accessory when inspecting a sewer with a camera, by means of which
Rothenberger R-60 and R600 pipe and channel cleaning machine
Rothenberger R-60 and R600 and Ridgid K-50 and KM1500 pipe
Custom designed high pressure washer (woma)
Womás sewer cleaning, with a high-pressure sewer cleaning machine. Let me, to present it
Campona Business Centre 1223 Budapest, Nagytétényi út 43. Reiwag Caiser &
Blockage removal service prices
Updated: 2024.08.22 Our prices are valid until withdrawal. NO DROP-OFF FEES!
Anti-clogging, Camera tube inspection, channel cleaning, alignment without wall demolition! With blockage removal
Well camera, Well drilling
Feel, that the drilled well does not give enough water,
Everyone, and I guess you, insist on Warranty Services. Desire,
Checking the transfer pump, cleaning, maintenance, repair!
Lift pumping at a glance Incorrect use of lift pumps, respectively
Questions, Work process:
When contacted by phone, Try to describe the problem, with that
Disinfection and deodorization
Vegyszereink A mi szakmánk nagy hátránya a munka elvégzése után,
Mikor lehet szükség vízszivattyúzásra? Szivattyúzást vállalunk 10-20 cm vízmagasság alatt
Root cutting
Root cutting, canal rooting, root cutter. Unfortunately, ahogy elöregszenek a szennyvíz és
Our measures during an epidemic
We draw the attention of our dear customers, that in view of the current coronavirus,