Our company more, mint 30 has been dealing with blockage prevention for years, so you can rightly think so, that maybe we will give you the answer to your question.

During this time, I have heard the question countless times: How much does it cost anti-clogging?

Mennyibe kerül a duguláselhárítás?

The price of blockage removal can be calculated based on many factors. Of course, this requires a lot of professional experience, you need a routine. The cost of unblocking is different, if say one is enough to get the job done WC pumpkin. It costs a little more, if we are talking about mechanical clogging. Here I am thinking of mechanical pipe ferreting. Of course, this too has its categories.

Washbasin, bathtub, or unclogging the floor drain: a section of a few meters, usually does not require special demolition work, so an average price can be said based on this.

The cost of unclogging the drain or bidet of the washing machine: here there are already cases when minor demolition work is required to eliminate it, without permanent damage of course. Getting the job done from here is no longer complicated.

A sink professional experience is certainly needed to remove blockages, here can be the following influencing factors:

  • A sink how big is the space underneath? Easy or difficult to access?
  • What is the extent of the deposition? It will be about removing simple fat or fat that has been deposited and hardened for years?
  • Outsize channel there is a really big problem, in this case, the specialist must also make himself available, even several types of cleaning tools may be needed, care must be taken in the meantime, so that the cleaning spiral does not wind up. The work must then be checked with a pipe inspection camera.

WC the cost of anti-clogging is as follows: the toilet must be dismantled in any case. Unscrewing it from the wall is not a big deal, as long as it doesn't need a special one, unique key. The sanitary ware mounted on the cover can be fixed with a screw, so it can also happen, that the screw is corroded. If the screw breaks, then it must be replaced. Planted in misung or concrete Wc picking it up teaches a lesson even to an anti-clogging agent who already has a sufficient routine. It takes a lot of patience and perseverance to complete the work before the long-awaited cleaning can finally begin, not to mention that, when the wrapper wraps the Wc cup in a circle. In this case, it is mostly not possible to pick up the sanitary ware without dismantling it.

Next a womás anti-clogging: Here we are already working with a petrol engine machine, machine work and fuel costs are also included in the total, which depends on the amount of deposits and the length of the channel section to be cleaned.

When a call comes on the phone, we always ask customers about these things, that we can really win the customer's trust with a more precise amount. That's why the price of the blockage removal is on the website, we advertise with prices from to. Unfortunately, we can still meet the unforeseen, with conditions that make it difficult to perform the work. We always inform customers about this before the work begins, after the work is done, we do not oblige anyone to pay any costs not announced in advance!

So, how much it costs to clear the blockage, cannot be precisely calculated in advance, but approximate reap we can always talk on the phone.

If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 0670/7444-444, or write an email to [email protected] to e-mail address! I am at your service!